Dave (Trip Leader Trip #2) met up with Trip 1 at Chinook Pass yesterday and here is his report “Friday, July 31, was beautiful weather for a hike.  Our two Llama wranglers provided great guidance, tips, and techniques to all of the folks on Hike #1. 3 of the 4 llamas (Amos, Lou, and ?) were rejoining Pass to Pass this year, having been on our 2019 hike. The 4th llama, Worf, was relatively new to backpacking. After their saddles were cinched down, two saddle bags were attached for each llama. Altogether, the cargo weighed in at about 250 lbs.

Next was the safety briefing from both Bill and Derek who then gave the call: “Hikers – Packs on!” The llamas were eager to hit the trail and headed up the side trail to reach the PCT. My friends and I watched as the entire hiking party passed the parking lot, already 45 feet above the parking lot. Several hikers, then the 4 llamas, tethered in two pair, and then the remaining hikers. Bill Meyer was the initial sweep. The wildflowers were gorgeous in the sunshine. With bright red, yellow, and white colors everywhere. The blue Lupine were abundant, seemingly every direction we looked in the alpine meadows.

Later in the day, my friends and I caught up with Hike #1 when they stopped for lunch, about 1 pm, near Dewey Lake. The 4 llamas were resting nearby as all ten hikers enjoyed a grand vista of lakes, mountains and blue sky. By lunch time they were already 3 miles along the PCT and halfway to Anderson Lake. Derek told me that all ten hikers were doing real good. Bill was nodding his head yes and smiling. We were all having a very good day.” Pictures by Dave at Chinook Pass Trailhead


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